On which sources does Yuka base its analysis of food additives?

Updated 4 weeks ago by Benoit

Our standards for analyzing additives are based on the latest scientific principles.

We take into account:

1) Collective assessment reports from EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).

2) Independent scientific studies.

The list of main reports and scientific studies is available here.

Based on the various elements that exist in each additive, they each receive a rating. No risk (green dot): no impact on the score; limited risk (yellow dot): -6 points/additive; moderate risk (orange dot): -15 points/additive; hazardous (red dot): -30 points (with a maximum score of 49/100).

In general, Yuka applies a precautionary approach and alerts you to the presence of controversial additives, even if the risk is only suspected and not proven.

👉The description of the potential risk associated with each additive, as well as the corresponding scientific sources, are available in the application.

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