The analysis of cosmetics is based on all the existing scientific research on each ingredient.
1) The opinions of official organizations, such as the SCCS (European Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety), the ECHA (European Chemical Agency), the US EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), the AICIS (Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme), the ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) and the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).
2) Independent scientific research, classified by level of evidence: systematic reviews and meta-analyses are prioritized, followed by cohort studies, case-control studies, animal studies, in vitro studies and expert opinions. Only the most reliable studies are selected. Yuka uses, among other tools, the Klimisch rating system, a reference in toxicology, to assess the quality of experimental studies.
3) International scientific databases (SIN List, TEDX List, ED List, ECHA, DEDUCT, Pubchem, Skin Deep, etc.)
For each ingredient to which a risk level is assigned (low, moderate, hazardous) depending on its impact on human health and the environment, the list of sources that led to the assessment is displayed in the application below the ingredient.
Although ingredients may be present in cosmetics at levels that comply with current standards, and therefore considered safe by health authorities, Yuka applies the precautionary principle and alerts consumers about potential health risks, even if they are still under suspicion.
Yuka makes its best efforts to provide an analysis based on the state of the science to date and to take into account the most recent scientific studies and regulatory changes.