How are the chocolates rated?

Updated 2 months ago by Benoit

To rate chocolate, Yuka relies on five criteria:

1) Nutritional balance accounts for 35% of the rating

The calculation method is based on Nutri-Score. This method takes into account the following elements: calories, sugar, salt, saturated fats, protein, fiber, fruits, and vegetables. The regulations for use are available here.

The Nutri-Score calculation method is correlated with the Yuka rating, in order to avoid the leveling effect of Nutri-Score that could lead to unjustified rating discrepancies between two products with similar nutritional values.

2) The percentage of cocoa accounts for 25% of the rating

The higher the chocolate's cocoa content, the more significant its antioxidant properties are, and the richer it is in magnesium.

3) The determination of additives accounts for 20% of the rating

The standard is based on the status of science to date. We take into account the advice of the EFSA, the ANSES, and the CIRC as well as many independent studies.

Based on different existing studies, each additive is assigned a risk level: no risk (green dot), limited risk (yellow dot), moderate risk (orange dot), high-risk (red dot).

The details of risk associated with each additive, as well as the corresponding scientific sources, are displayed in each application.

4) The organic dimension accounts for 10% of the rating

This is a bonus given to products considered organic, meaning they have an official national or international label. These avoid chemical pesticides as well as the more controversial additives.

5) The type of butter used accounts for 10% of the rating

A "pure cocoa butter" chocolate get a a 10 point bonus.

This last criterion is solely qualitative and is not linked to nutritional value or health impact.

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