How are food products rated?

Updated 4 days ago by Benoit

Yuka’s food product scores are based on three criteria:

  • Nutritional quality is 60% of the score.

The calculation method is based on Nutri-Score, a science-based nutrition label adopted by 7 European countries that measures the nutritional balance of food products, taking into account calories, sugar, sodium, saturated fat, protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables.

The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), a WHO agency, supports this method, highlighting its effectiveness in guiding consumers towards healthier food choices as well as its scientific relevance.

Nutri-Scores are translated into Yuka ratings as shown in the correspondence table, available here.

  • The presence of additives is 30% of the score.

Benchmarks are based on the latest scientific research. We take into account the recommendations of the EFSA, and the IARC, in addition to numerous independent studies.

Every additive is assigned a risk level based on various existing studies: risk-free (green dot), limited risk (yellow dot), moderate risk (orange dot), hazardous (red dot).

If an additive we consider to be hazardous is present, the maximum score for the product is set at 49/100. In this situation, this criterion can represent more than 30% of the score.

Information about the risks associated with each additive, as well as the corresponding scientific sources, are available in the application.

  • The organic dimension is 10% of the score.

This is a bonus granted to products considered organic, i.e. those with an official national or international organic label. They avoid chemical pesticides which can pose a health risk.

The health benefits that an organic diet can provide are explained here.

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