My phone is incompatible with the application, why?

Updated 8 hours ago by Marie

The Yuka app is only compatible with devices that meet the following criteria:

On iPhone (iOS):

✅ iPhone 7 or later

✅ iOS 15 or newer

✅ App Store account located in one of the following countries: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, Canada, Australia

On Android:

✅ Android 7.0 or newer

✅ Phone is not rooted

✅ Meets SafetyNet basic integrity requirements

✅ More than 256 MB RAM

Google Play Services app is installed

✅ Play Store account located in one of the following countries: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, Canada, Australia

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