How is the year in review done?

Updated 1 month ago by Benoit

Yuka provides a yearly retrospective, available in the app from December 20th until the beginning of the following year.

This selection is automatically generated and personalized based on your usage, according to the following criteria:

  • You must have scanned at least 20 products on Yuka to access your retrospective.
  • All scanned products are taken into account, even if you haven't purchased them.
  • If multiple products share the best or the lowest rating, the one with the highest overall popularity (based on scan numbers) is selected. Waters are not eligible for this page.
  • For the product with the lowest rating, you will be able to answer a survey asking if you put it back after seeing its rating, to measure the impact of Yuka. The displayed statistic is a global statistic from our latest study.
  • The number of days spent with Yuka corresponds to the number of days you used the app.
  • The total number of scanned products determines if you make it into the "Top Yukists" who are the most active!

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