Call-out User Policy

Updated 2 months ago by Louise

Important : 


If you modify any pre-drafted message from Yuka, your modifications must remain courteous towards the brand being “called out”, particularly by avoiding any provocation, insult, or infringement on the rights of others, especially any disparaging or defamatory remarks, and you must not incite hatred, violence, or discrimination.

1.   Introduction 

If you scan a product containing an additive that Yuka evaluates as “high risk” to health, you will have the opportunity to “call out” the brand that sells this product and request the removal of this additive (hereinafter referred to as "a Call-Out").

Yuka offers the possibility to call-out the brand on social media platform X or via email, sending a message from you that is pre-drafted by Yuka.

By sending or posting a Call-Out, you become an active participant in protecting consumer health, since you are encouraging a brand to improve the composition of the product in question. Please be advised that in doing so, you may also incur liability, even if the message has been drafted by Yuka.

Some food industry manufacturers may take legal action to challenge the validity and legitimacy of this civic initiative. 

The purpose of this User Policy is to clarify the rules for using this feature.

2.   Scope of the User Policy 

This User Policy applies to Call-Outs and outlines the rules that must be followed when a user decides to Call-Out a brand, as well as the responsibilities arising from it.

The User Policy is an integral part of Yuka's Terms and Conditions, which contain the rules generally applicable for using the other features of the app.  

The Terms and Conditions can be accessed here.

3.   Users' Responsibility when Calling out brands via Yuka

3.1.   By Calling out a brand via email or on X, you may incur liability.

The brand being called out could take legal action against Yuka and/or against you. To help reduce the likelihood of any such action, Yuka offers you the opportunity to use pre-drafted messages (whether you decide to post a tweet or send an email) that have been carefully drafted. 

3.2.   Financial and legal support from Yuka in case of Call-Out via the message pre-drafted by Yuka: 

If you decide to send or publish the message pre-drafted by Yuka and in the event of any legal action taken against you as a result of a Call-Out, Yuka agrees to support you in the proceedings, including financially, under the following conditions: 

  • Yuka will voluntarily intervene in the proceedings on your behalf, provided Yuka is not directly implicated in the matter.
  • Yuka will offer you the services of pre-selected lawyers who will provide your defense free of charge.
  • Yuka will guarantee any monetary penalties that may be imposed against you.

3.3. Personal liability in case of a Call-Out via a message modifying the pre-drafted message by Yuka:

If you decide to modify the message pre-drafted by Yuka before sending or posting it, this modification engages your personal liability. Yuka will not assume responsibility for your actions and will not provide legal support in the event of legal action.

We encourage you to be particularly vigilant about message and comments posted on social media platform X, as they will be public.

Yuka reminds you that the following are notably prohibited:

  • any provocations, insults, defamatory remarks,
  • any action that incites hatred, violence, or discrimination,
  • any action that violates privacy, and/or any third-party image rights, or violates the rights of any third party,
  • any action disparaging a person’s or a brand’s reputation. 

In general, your messages must remain courteous, especially towards the brand being called out and you should refrain from accusing its representatives.

3.4.  You must not send the same message multiple times to the same recipient.

Remember, the purpose of the Call-Out is not to disrupt the human or computer organization of the brands being called out, nor to publicly harm their reputation, but solely to influence their decisions regarding the composition of their products.

Sending multiple emails to the same recipient or making repeated posts on social media platform X could constitute spamming. 

This is why you cannot Call-Out a second time from the Yuka app. If you decide to do so by your own means, Yuka will not support you in the event of legal action and will not assume personal responsibility for your actions. 

3.5.  The Call Out feature is meant for users who are at least 18 years old.

If you are younger than 18 years old, please do not use the Call Out feature.

4.     Users' Rights – Protection of Personal Data

4.1.  If you call out a brand via email, Yuka is automatically copied on the pre-drafted email (cc). This allows Yuka to have access the content of the email sent and the email address from which you sent it.

4.2.  If you call out a brand on social media platform X, Yuka's X account (@YukaApp or @YukaUS) will be identified in the pre-drafted message, allowing Yuka to view your post. Yuka will be able to see the content of the tweet and your username on social media platform X, but it will not link this information to your account and personal information on Yuka, so that this information is not collected.

4.3.  Yuka will neither sell nor use this information for commercial purposes. Yuka has access to this information solely to update the counter of the number of consumers who have called out the brand.

The data collected by Yuka as part of your use of the Call-Out feature and the other features of the app is explained in its Privacy Policy.

5.     Examples of pre-Drafted Messages

The pre-drafted messages to be sent by email are available only in French and English, but the pre-drafted messages to be posted on X are also available in Spanish, Italian, and German.

The pre-drafted message that Yuka invites you to send via email, for instance for carrageenan, is as follows:

"Subject: Product Name - Brand: request for removal of the high-risk additive 


I have scanned the product (barcode Number) on the Yuka App. It contains an additive assessed as high-risk (Carrageenan).

This additive could increase the risk of developing breast cancer. It is also suspected of significantly disrupting the gut microbiota and causing chronic intestinal inflammation, which could contribute to the development of chronic diseases. Our current consumption of carrageenan may, in some cases, exceed the level of health concern.

Link to the Yuka product page with detailed information and scientific sources: (hyperlink)

I ask you to remove it in order to protect consumer health.


The pre-drafted message that Yuka invites you to share on X is as follows:

"🧪@[brand account] I scanned one of your products on @YukaUS, and it contains an additive assessed as high risk: (additive name). I ask you to remove it in order to protect consumer health. #NotInMyProduct (hyperlink to the product on Yuka app)"

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